I'm a Proud Mama

02 October 2008
Today was a great day! Little Miss made A Honor Roll and Little Mister made AB Honor Roll! This is just fantastic! I am so thrilled that both of them are doing so well in school. It's the answer to many prayers! I just had to brag on my babies!


Scarlet O'Kara said...

Brag, brag, brag away, 'cause that is wonderful news!

lynette355 said...

such good kids
whooo hoooo
by the way
button button i got your button

Wep said...

Girls ROCK!

Stephanie said...

I stumbled across your blog while looking for J Carino's recipes... what a nice suprise! I love your page and I love your "aura". I am addicted ;) ! Congrats on the kiddos! I would brag away!!!! No stopping me... they are our greatest blessings!


Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

Wowsers - congrats to all of you!