"This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9 (New Living Translation)
This is one of my favorite verses and has been for years. I am especially thinking about it today, as I'm trying so hard not to be discouraged. I know that God has a plan for us, but it's sometimes hard when he answers your prayers with a no.
My husband was up for a promotion at work. His mom, my grandma, other family and friends, and myself all prayed about it for over a week. When the "interview points" were tallied, he was beat out by two points. We were so upset.
But, our timing is not His timing. He wants what's best for us and knows what that is. I know this, but I have trouble remember it sometimes. Do any of y'all struggle with this? And prayer, I struggle with prayer, as silly as that sounds. Sometimes I think I do not know how to pray. I need to find some wise, older in their faith Christian women to mentor me or something. I have trouble just talking to God. But this is a whole other subject. Today I am praying about this verse and about letting Him be in charge. He knows what this family needs far better than I do!
I need to work on this too. I want everything to happen on my terms, and I have a hard time with letting it all go and waiting for Him.
I have a hard time praying, too. I ask well enough, it's the listening part that trips me up.:_)I'm sorry your hubby didn't get the promotion, but I'm sure there's something better in store for him.
Btw, ty for visiting my blog :-)
I just wanted to let you know that i really appreciate this post. its...so very true.
I love this post. It is always good to be reminded that God is with us, to be strong and courageous. I always know it, but it's good to have the message at the forefront of my mind rather than lost in the rest of my meandering thoughts.
Thanks for stopping by my blog today!
Keep beleiveing that God has something BETTER in store for you guys!
Hugs & prayers.
This has been the verse we have heard around our house this past month. This was my sons memory verse at preschool for the month. He has been saying it over and over and singing a song! It is one of my favorites too!
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