Today is the Blogathon over at The Secret's In The Sauce. SITS is a network of women who commit to comment on blogs. It is very cool how it works. The benefits of joining SITS are huge! Not only does it bring in folks who will actually read and comment on your posts, but you find some fantastic new blogs to read! I haven't been part of SITS for long, but I've already found a lot of new "must reads", not to mention met some terrific women! Here are a few of my new faves:
Wep Ruminations
American In Norway
April's Little Family
John Deere Mom
Mama's Losin' It
So, head over and check out SITS! Couldn't we all use more bloggy friends and comment love?
Just wanted to say Happy Blog-a-Thon Day!! Don't you just love the American in Norway blog?! She's one of my favorites.
Sending a hello to Texas from FL!
Happy Blog-a-thon!
Rocken Fun Blog happy Blogthon!!!
Loving your blog layout - too cool!
happy blogathon!
Awww shucks! Thanks :)
Thank you so much for the shout out! I am getting all weepy now!
HOpe you have a super Duper SITS day & I look forward to reading more from you! Can I just say that Laura Ingalls Gunn is makeing me CRAZY today..she is on every friggen blog... with the same COPY & PASTE message...
Oh My...did I say that out loud?
Hey! I'm new to SITs and having a ball with this blog-a-thon!!
Off to check out your blog!!
Hella Vanessa
I just awarded your blog an award, you can see it on my blog.
And I plead guilty as charged for not commenting on blogs I read. I will try to do better!
HAPPY SITS DAY! :) Cute blog! Cheers!
Happy SITS day!
it is 9:14 pm and I am dancing
around the room
doing the
do do do do do do doo do do
Cute blog layout! I saw a few people linking to you. That's always a good sign, right?
Hey, Hope you had a Happy SITS day!
Coffee is ready
dishes are done yeah cooked on grease and none oiled baking pans
but all done and ready for the coffee fix of the day
come an get it
thank you thank you thank you for the feature! *sorry i'm a couple days late :-/
I am here, better late than never!
Thank you so much for supporting your SITStas and for participating in the blogathon!
All the blogs you listed are some of my absolute favs. Good job!
Hey Hey Hey!
Happy Blogging!
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