Ashley was sick most of last weekend, so we went to the doctor on Monday. While we were in the waiting area, a very large mare came wondering across the parking lot. Stray horses are not something you see everyday, even though we live in the sticks. A very sharply dressed pair of drug reps had just walked out of the clinic, so we are treated to a man in a very expensive suit catching a horse with his bare hands. From this we learned that manes are not the best handles. Anyway, this man caught the horse and managed to get him into a fenced in yard next to the clinic. The people who lived there weren't home at the time; I bet they were surprised when they got home! Anyway, Ashley does not have strep throat, mono, or the flu, but what is wrong with her was never determined. She came home with antibiotics and a note to return to school on Wednesday. So, the sick little one took up a good chunk of my week.
Yesterday, Lenore and I spent a lot of time together. We went to breakfast, then she helped me stock my shelves at a local antique/junk store. I just rented these shelves this month and am excited to see how things go. Some extra money would be nice. Anyway, Lenore organized everything for me and it looks great! We had a good time and I am so grateful for her help!
Today has been rather busy. I needed to get caught up on household chores that had been neglected the rest of the week. Unfortunately, the school nurse was calling me by 8:30. Ashley had thrown up and they had to send her home. Fun! So, I go to the school to grab her. The receptionist lady asks if she can help me, I explain that the nurse had called me to come get my daughter, gave her name, classroom, all that jazz. The lady tells me to sign her out in this book and have a seat, which I do. About five minutes later the lady looks ate me and snaps "She's probably in the nurses' office, go get her!" I explain that I didn't know where the nurses' office was and that I'd just done what she told me to. She very snottily directs me to where my daughter is. This really bothers me because I was not in any way rude with this woman, yet she took one look at me and went from smiling to incredibly rude. Why do people have to act that way? Anyway, I got Little Miss home, called the doctor, and she took a two hour nap. Naturally, she's been 100% fine ever since waking up! I also managed to get the van registration renewed, but that's about the only thing I've accomplished that I needed to. Oh well, tomorrow is another day.
At the moment, I have a splitting headache and am craving a nap. But there is no rest for the weary it seems. At least the weekend is here!
Wishing you all a relaxing weekend!
SAVING is good.
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