Here are some of the great giveaways I've found so far:
*Have you heard of Susie's Homemade? I found her via the Spring Fling. She makes the wonderful looking Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls and she's giving away a 1/2 dozen of them! Her giveaway ends at 12 AM March 13th, so hurry on over and check it out!
*Two Under Two is giving away one of my favorite things ever...CHEESECAKE! Pop on over and enter for your chance to win a $25 gc to the Cheesecake Factory. All I can say is yum!
*Go visit Kristen at All in a Mom's Life. She makes me smile & laugh, her writing style is fantastic! Plus, she's giving away a $20 gc to your choice of Target or Starbucks.
*I love these carnival type things because I find the most interesting blogs! One I'm sure is going to be a favorite is Mad Boastings of a Cheapskate Mom. I am trying to learn to be more green and well, she says she's a cheapskate! Y'all know that's right up my alley. She's giving a way a rockin' prize - a 7th Generation Living Home Starter Kit. Now, I want this, I need this, I must have it, but I'm telling y'all about it so maybe you can win it instead. But, I don't want you to. Just know that I am not wishing you luck! :-)
*Janana Bee is givng away a $25 gc to the Cheesecake Factory and a Mixed CD. Click on over & tell her what your favorite dessert is to enter!
*Joelle at The A Priori Mommy is giving away a Mommy Relax package featuring a great dvd, book, & other goodies. Click over & enter!
*Y'all have got to go check out the fabulous Farm Hussy giveaway Willow Lake Scents is having! The Farm Hussy line sounds great and their website is the funniest thing ever! I am sooo ordering some of their stuff ASAP! Go check it out! It'll make ya smile, I promise!
SAVING is good.
great goodies
too bad i posted to late to be listed
oh well
hope to see you soon
free baby holding here
Well, aren't you a good spring-flinger?? Nice! And, howdy to a fellow Texan :-)
Well aren't you sweet!! Thanks for the shout out:-)
So nice of you to share the love! Heading over to a few you mentioned. Thank you for popping by!
You know, I now have that song "Waltz Across Texas" stuck in my mind MAJOR! I'm going to drive everyone crazy singing it now.
I'm following
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