Cover of A Christmas Story (Full Screen Edition)
Today, I was telling my neighbor what movie the kids and I were going to watch. She had never heard of it, which surprised me. I consider A Christmas Story a modern day classic. Is it a touchy feely movie? Not at all. But, it provideds some great laughs. Plus, it teaches valuable lessons like not to stick your tongue to a flag pole when it's frozen. Oh, and you don't need a BB gun because "You'll shoot your eye out, kid!"
So, what are some of your favorite holiday movies?
That is my favorite Christmas movie!
How the Grinch Stole Christmas and The Nightmare Before Christmas. Those are just awesome!
This is also my Favorite. Who was it that didn't know about this please don't tell me it was Lynette?
Mine is White Christmas because I love the singing and dancing. I also really like the original Home Alone. My husband likes it's a Wonderful Life.
Christmas Story is great too. I actually had a friend as a child that stuck his tongue to the metal chain link fence post at school. Unfortunately he pulled and it started bleeding badly. He had to go to the hospital and they actually had to stitch some of the upper portion of the tongue back down where he pulled it loose. That's horrible.
Now with a BB gun you can set the basement on fire too. Unfortunately I did that.
My older brother (by 4 years) and me set up some small birthday candles on a board he had drilled some holes in so they'd stay straight and not fall over. We lite the candles and were going to shot them out with the BB gun.
This is because on some western my brother saw a guy shoot out some candles.
Anyways he was shooting and wasn't even hitting the flames on the little candle tops to make them flicker. I started laughing at him. So he got mad and said "Well, if you think you can do any better give it a try."
I said "I don't want to, what if I hit mom's antique buffet table? She'll kill me."
He said "Chicken?"
Well, that was fighting words to me back then.
So I took the BB gun at age 7. I aimed, shot and noticed there wasn't a flame on one of the candles anymore.
I said, "See I shot one out."
So he went back to proving he could shoot one out too.
Then we thought we smelled smoke.
Well seems I shoot the wick still lite and it flew up into a box of clothes my mom had stored on a basement shelf. It had caught some of the top clothes on fire and the flames were hitting the wood beam of the basement ceiling.
We tried to put it out ourselves, but there is no water in the basement.
We screamed, Mom came running down the stairs. She saw what was happening, yelled for Dad.
They pulled the box on the shelf, poured water on it, and threw water against the ceiling.
In less than four minutes everything was out.
Boy, oh boy did we get it.
That was my Dad's BB gun, for getting stray raccoons and such away from the garbage can at night.
We weren't suppose to even touch it.
We never had before, and believe me, we never did again.
So, not only could you SHOOT YOUR EYE OUT KID, you could start a stupid fire like I did.
No, I didn't get coal in my stocking that year, because my incident with the BB gun took place a few months before Christmas and I think my parents kinda forgot about it by the time Christmas rolled around.
A Christmas Story is my favorite. I also love A Charlie Brown Christmas. -Victoria from MBC Follow Me Club
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