Rachael Ray has more guts than I do! Did you see those pics she took for FHM magazine back in 2003? I remember them well, as my Dad has a serious thing for Rachael Ray. Anyway, she was 35 when she posed for
these daring photos, in poses that are probably every man's fantasy of the happy homemaker. In an interview with Nightline, Rachael said, "And I did it, and it was the most scared I've ever been, and I wouldn't change a thing. I'd do it again tomorrow." Wow! She rocks! I do not endorse posing scantily clad, but her confidence impresses me!
I love how saucy she is! Plus, she cooks with ingredients that I've actually heard of AND can afford to buy. I love it when you can cook stuff that's yummy without breaking the bank!
So my thought for the day is, you go Rachael Ray!
SAVING is good.
Hi there. I found you because I also love the Bible and also the movie Harold and Maude! In your profile you say you are an "SAHM". So, what does that mean, please?
Love your blog! And yes, RR recipes are very family friendly!
thank you for this post, I read the news at yahoo and was looking for that photom and yesm Rachel Ray Rocks!! and with her confidence, hse Rocks more!!!!
I love RR ... had never heard of her posing like taht, but you gotta love confidnece....
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