Laundry is my life. Seriously. It is all I do. On any given day you can call me and ask what I'm doing, the answer will be laundry. I made it my goal to be completely caught up with my mountains of clothes by tomorrow. Yeppers, that's the plan. And I'm obviously done and that's why I'm blogging. Right! I wish that were the case. I have done lots. I did four loads of laundry this morning. But, it seems I'll never finish.
Why the heck do we have so much laundry anyway? Does everyone wear 10 outfits a day? Do we need to become nudists? I think a lot of it is the fact that very little dirty laundry actually ends up in a hamper. They stash it under beds and such until I finally flip out and make them find it all.
So, I will get caught up on laundry by this weekend. And I am planning a major shake up to this household's laundry system. I am not a maid! Stay tuned for further reports.
Does anyone else have a Mount Dirty Clothes? How do you deal with laundry in your home? I'd love to hear your ideas!

SAVING is good.
Why the heck do we have so much laundry anyway? Does everyone wear 10 outfits a day? Do we need to become nudists? I think a lot of it is the fact that very little dirty laundry actually ends up in a hamper. They stash it under beds and such until I finally flip out and make them find it all.
So, I will get caught up on laundry by this weekend. And I am planning a major shake up to this household's laundry system. I am not a maid! Stay tuned for further reports.
Does anyone else have a Mount Dirty Clothes? How do you deal with laundry in your home? I'd love to hear your ideas!
SAVING is good.
I have NEVER caught up on my laundry, adn there is only me and my hubby. He changes clothes like a teenaged girl.
I swear my laundry clones itself everytime I leave the room. How do I tackle the mountain? Well.....I would rather spread it out over the week, so I wash about 5 to 6 loads a day. And then I spend one day a week doing the rest of the work. But I have a large family with 6 kids, so you know the mountain never gets any smaller.
Good luck tackling that mountain.
I think we all can relate to this!!! The other day this is just what I was thinking......I am always doing laundry!! There are only 4 of us! I know people that have 4 plus kids and then the adults..can you imagine?!!!!
It's Dixie, Shelby, Cookie and Annabelle! They're secretly trying on all your clothes while you're out or asleep!
I used to have the same problem, so I went to good ole' Wal-Mart and bought these $5 pop up hampers for everyone's room (even the baby) and for the bathrooms for towels. They work great, no more missing clothes and no more on the floor. I do all the clothing laundry on Monday and all the towels and bedding on Thursday. This works great too. Hope this helps a little.
you doknow that i too have a never ending pile cg showed up today w/more!
i just hide it well!
hello! thanks for following me on twitter via the UBP '09!!! just wanted to drop by and say hello :O)
laundry in my worst enemy! why is it never ending? well stop by my blog party when you get a chance...i have a little giveaway going on, and next week a couple more line up! great to meat you
ok...i just spelled "meat" as in food rather then "meet" sorry. i just got my wisdom teeth out and I am on pain meds :O) a little loopy right now..lol!!!
i hate laundry. HATE IT. I feel your pain.
just wanted to remind you my blog has moved to www.mychihuahuabitesblog.com
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