Wow! I've sure gotten my share of bloggy love lately. A blog I absolutely adore has given me this oh so cool award! You truly need to go check out Memoirs of a Southern Domestic Goddess. She is creative, smart, sassy, and southern y'all! She is one of the first blogs I read in the morning. Warning, her blog is habit forming. Thanks so much for sharing this award with me!
The rules for this award are as follows:
~You may choose five people/blogs to give the award to.
~Four have to be dedicated followers of your blog.
~One has to be a new follower of your blog or live in another part of the world.
~One has to be a new follower of your blog or live in another part of the world.
So here are the peeps I pass this nifty award along to:
*Travels Through A Crazed Mind - This is my neighbor Lenore's blog. As far as dedicated readers go, she's the top of the list. This lady is my coffee pal, partner in crime, and very dear friend. Check out her tell it like it is, day in the life blog. And say hi, she likes making new friends! Love ya, girl!
*Christians In Good Company - This blog also belongs to a loyal reader. It is one of my favorites. I really enjoy everything she blogs about. Drop by and say hi!
*Wep Ruminations - I love Wep! Go read her blog right now! It's fantastic! I love it! And she reads my blog, which makes me happy. :-)
*The Adventures of Scarlett O'Kara - Yes, I've given this blog an award recently, but she deserves another one. Since this blog is to go to dedicate readers, she needs it. She deserves it. She must have it. So, it's hers! Seriously folks, this lady is one of my absolute favorite readers and favorite bloggers all rolled into one. Stop by and say howdy!
*The Power of Housewife Word of Mouth - Chrisitne is a new reader. We found each other via Entrecard. She is a fellow Texan and writes a great blog. I feel like I have quite a bit in common with her and am so happy to have found her blog. Christine, thanks for reading me! I can't wait to read more from you. You're right, us Texan bloggers need to stick together!
There they are, my five loyal award winning readers! Please go share a little comment love with them all!
Thank You, Thank Ye, T'ank Ya and Yo' Thanks!
I so appreciate the award. MY FIRST!
You know I love you and your blog. Your family has so easily became our family. Looking forward to waffles this morning--are you????
That is awesome, thank you so much for thinking of me....I can't wait to pass it on to some really great bloggers!
Aww...thanks hon! I needed that during this horrible weekend.
Congrats on your award!
You are just too good to me...but I thank you for it.
Blessings to you and yours.
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