Let me explain. I stumbled across a link to voting for the American Music Awards over on ABC. I decided to go vote because some of my favorite artists were up for awards. While doing that, I discovered that The Eagles were up for several awards. Hubby has a serious thing for these guys. So, when I was done, I wandered on over to their website and checked their tour schedule. I say that they are coming to Dallas on 11/15, but thought nothing of it because, well this is The Eagles we're talking about and we have not won the lottery. But, I checked it out anyway. And on impulse bought tickets! Now we are talking $45, cheap seat, nose bleed tickets, but they are tickets just the same. during this time I was madly trying to reach hubby on the phone to clear this with him. I finally decided this was probably a once in a lifetime thing and to just do it. When I finally reached him I told him I'd spent a good chunk of money and not to be mad. His whole tone of voice changed. Seems he thought I'd bought a dog. Anyway, he was thrilled when I told him! In fact he's called me back twice to ask if I was kidding.
So, I've got this super pumped up feel good thing going on! I am really excited, mainly because he's so thrilled! nothing like making your hubby's dream come true!
BTW, you've got to see the Eagles themed pumpkin they've posted over at Latest Eagles News! It's amazing! And don't forget to go cast your ballot for the AMA! The voting ends on 11/2!

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