My great- great aunt, who built the house, was a professional florist and a fantastic gardener. The house is surrounded by terraced flower beds that have been overtaken by weeds. The entire yard is terraced and has beautiful rock work edging. We have an entire acre here and the back was once covered with fantastic flowers and a huge vegetable garden. Unfortunately, we aren't the green thumbed wonder Aunt V. was. The landscaping needs help, and although we are working on it, it has a long way to go.
Too bad we don't live in California so we could hire this San Diego landscaper. According to their website, they provide great work for a reasonable price. The site gives all sorts of tips on hiring a landscaper. Everything from checking a company's credentials, finding out if they are insured, getting bids, and what you should expect from your landscaping company and more is discussed. If you are in the market for a landscaping company you might want to click over and check it out. It's always good to be informed!
As for us, we keep toiling away at our front flower beds ourselves. Maybe one day we can return the landscape to it's past glory. But first, it will be a huge accomplishment if I can just remember to water the plants!

Thanks for stoppin' over at my crazee place. Feel free to come hang out any time.
Good luck with your remodeling project... we remodeled our master bed/bath this summer.. Boy I tell ya... It was a job!
Hello! Stopped over from FMFY and am looking forward to reading up on your blog!
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