I agree that it's great motivation to perform well in school, but it has it's drawbacks. Tristen is now convinced he was too "stupid" to make the early release requirements. He is not stupid, he just struggles academically whereas Ashley seems to fly through everything. Don't even get me started on standardized testing! Anyway, there are countless reasons I am not liking this early release program and I am sure I am not the only mom who feels this way. I really hope he qualifies.
Ashley turned in her G/T stuff today. I so hope she gets accepted into the program. She is so determined to be successful and does not do well when she fails. The poor girl cries and carries on if she makes a B. Can you say perfectionist? I am so worried how she will react if she is found to be officially not gifted and talented. It could be bad, real bad.
So, I have all these school related matters on my mind while I am looking forward to summer break. Ashley does quite well during the vacation period, as she is content with reading 24/7. Tristen on the other hand bores very easily. Dan and I have decided to make him read this summer. He hates it and getting him to do it for school is a major battle. I am so thankful Ashley always loved it. Beyond reading requirements, I am stumped as to what activities to do with them. I refuse to let them sit in front of a TV all day. Tristen wants an ant farm, so maybe that would entertain him for awhile. I have got to come up with more ideas!
Are you looking forward to summer break? How do you keep your kids from the dreaded "I'm bored!" war cry?

Wow your kids are so much like mine. Life always comes easy for Rebecca, and Regan struggles for every inch. Anyway as far as summer activitites see if there is a summer rec program we have one that has swim team, golf, art, and all kinds of activities to do. Both my kids are going to summer camp (there are probably several that Tristan could do for free like Regan does), We also love to go geocaching. They could both find a small summer job to help with responsibilities and some pocket money (doing lawns, walking dogs, housesitting for vacationers). The point is to get them out of the house and active. If all else fails...send them my way, LOL
One of my daughters is not crazy about reading. I actually wrote an article about it http://ezinearticles.com/?How-to-Help-the-Child-Who-Does-Not-Like-to-Read&id=223085 It was always a struggle for us while she was in school. Maybe some of my ideas will help you with your son.
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