In the comments for my
Goodie Box Giveaway, several people have expressed interest in hearing about the area I live in. Podunk is located in the middle of a bunch of dairies. Today the area dairy producers had an appreciation breakfast for Podunk County, thanking the people for supporting the local dairy industry. I am pretty sure the whole town showed up for this yummy free meal! They served biscuits, butter, cheesy scrambled eggs, sausage, jelly, fruit & whipped cream, milk, and even ice cream! It was so good and we all had a really great time. There were even two adorable calves out front for the kiddos to pet.

This was a really fun event! I think it is so neat that these dairy farmers thank our community every year. It almost makes up for the way the dairies make Podunk smell...almost. ;-)
dear hubby says that is the smell of money
granny m says bull**** well you know her fav word by now
test comment
i will explain later
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