Bee Tees are cute as can be and all feature positive messages. You can get them in tees in various sizes or the super cute caps. My neighbor Lenore wants the bee inspired tee. I myself want a let it bee cap.

There are plenty of great designs and colors to choose from, you are sure to find the perfect one for you and your kiddo!
Check out my own unique little bee~

I love that these uniqe shirts, hats, visors, and more are so upbeat and positive. I would much rather my kids sport uplifting life lessons than the lyrics to the newest rock song. Ashley plans to wear her's on the first day of school. I think these great designs will appeal to kids of all ages! Go check out Bee Tees yourself! I'd love to hear what your favorite design is!
What do you think? I can't wait to hear your feedback!

1 comment:
wanna big bee t-shirt for me!
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