Tristen has been asking for a cell phone for months now. We just didn't feel like he was responsible enough at the moment to give him what he was wanting. Then, I read about Kajeet. I was intrigued by the fact that the parents have so much control over the phone like what numbers it can make calls to and receive calls from, what hours it can be used during, etc. My curiosity was piqued.

I received a Samsung M300 to review. As for the phone, it is easy to operate, is sturdy enough to hold up to be used exclusively by a child, and has a camera that takes pretty good pictures. We called and activated the phone without a problem. I like the different plans Kajeet offers for service, as well as the different ways to pay for them. For example, you could easily have a grandparent add funds to your child's account "wallet" from the website. I did not like that to get on any of their good plans, you could not use the money in the "wallet" but had to add a credit card to the account. If you do not choose to go with a plan, you are charged a .32 per day service charge, which would add up monthly. Oh, I did notice they offer a $50 a month plan for unlimited texts and minutes, which is a amazing deal for a prepaid phone...I know adults that would love truly unlimited talk! All in all, it is a good deal for prepaid service and a great way to get your kid a cell phone.
Tristen has 150 minutes and unlimited texting monthly, on one of their recurring plans. He used the money in his "wallet" to add a 1000 minute nights & weekends pack. For some reason he cannot receive text messages from anyone other than Kajeet, an issue I have called about twice. I must give praise to Kajeet's customer service, as they are a dream to work with. Unfortunately, my calls to them have not resolved the texting problem. I am bothered by this because we are paying for him to have texting privileges that he cannot really use at the moment. I am hoping they will get this straightened out soon. I'll keep you posted on that.
As for the parental controls, I could not be happier. I can make sure his phone is not used during school hours or after bedtime. I can program in the numbers he may and may not call, as well as those he can receive calls from. You can also make exceptions, like Mom and Dad's number can always ring through, even during off hours, if you wish. Parents have a lot of control, which is great when you are talking about kids and cell phones. This aspect of the service gets two thumbs up from me.
I think a Kajeet cell phone would make a fantastic holiday gift. Your kids will be thrilled to have a cell phone, the rates on the recurring plans are reasonable for prepaid, and the parent stays in control of their child's phone usage. Kajeet is a parent created company that offers a wonderful service for kids and adults as well.
Ramblings of a Texas Housewife Product Review and/or Giveaway Disclosure- I have received no compensation other than the offer of free product to review and/or giveaway. Any opinions expressed on Ramblings of a Texas Housewife are my own. My reviews are never reviewed or edited in any way by sponsors.

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