Take a Flying Leap

25 January 2010
That's pretty much what I did today as I somehow lost my footing on our front porch steps and came crashing to the ground. We have a very low rock wall in our front yard and by some miracle, my head fell right in the spot where a few rocks are missing. I am so blessed these rocks were gone, as my face would've been all busted up. As it was I only suffered scrapes and bruises on the hand I tried to catch myself with, both knees, banged my elbow up bad, twisted my calf, and skinned up a foot really bad. Tonight I am so incredibly sore. Dan says my nickname should be Grace. He is now actively trying to find me a big protective bubble to live in.

I spent my afternoon escaping Podunk by accompanying Lynette and her hubby to Abilene. It was a fun drive and I had a great time visiting with them both. Thanks y'all for letting me tag along!

Hope you all had a great Monday!



chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

Ouch! You mean to tell me that you didn't play it off and dance a few steps to make it look like it was purposely planned?

Hope your bumps and bruises feel better!

lynette355 said...

It's a bird, It's a plane, NO LOOK
It's Super MOM!
Nessa you are wonderful at these lil trips. Let's keep it to escapes from Podunk instead of flying leaps next time.

Anonymous said...

Hope the aches and pains go away quickly!

Jayde said...

Glad to hear that you at least didn't mangle your head and face on the rock wall! Feel better soon!

TexasBobbi said...

Seriously lady, you need to be careful.

PJ said...

Hey Kiddo! We oughtta start up our own Coordination Club. I'm as klutzy as they come! You have an award waiting for you at my blog, and no, it isn't for being the most graceful or the most klutzy. LOL!

Love ya bunches!


Anonymous said...

Oh ouch!!!