The Forgotten Garden

21 April 2010
I recently had the opportunity to read The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton. When the book arrived, I was a little overwhelmed by it's size and concerned about whether or not it would hold my interest. This ended up not being a problem, as the book drew me in during the first chapter.

The Forgotten Garden is the story of a little girl lost, family, secrets, and discovery. The characters are well written and believable. The locations are described in such detail, you feel like you are right there. I love a story that paints such a vivid picture that you can "see" it in your mind's eye. This book certainly does that. The Forgotten Garden carried me to distant shores as the story unfolded around characters I really enjoyed. It reminded me of The Secret Garden, one of my all time favorite books.

I highly recommend The Forgotten Garden. It is the perfect novel for when you just want to get lost in a book and forget your cares. I consider it a "bubble bath book", the kind you settle into a tub full of bubbles with and enjoy. Although it is a LONG book, I really am glad I read it.

Ramblings of a Texas Housewife Product Review and/or Giveaway Disclosure- I have received no compensation other than the offer of free product to review and/or giveaway. Any opinions expressed on Ramblings of a Texas Housewife are my own. My reviews are never reviewed or edited in any way by sponsors.

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April said...

I ve a good book-I will have to check it out. Thanks for visiting my blog! said...

Sounds like a good book. Those are sometimes the best type of books to read...the forget your cares and soak in the tub and relax type of books.