Hello November!

01 November 2012

Happy November everyone! This year has just flown by! Christmas and 2013 will be here before we know it. Just thinking about the upcoming holidays gives me a joyful heart and makes me nervous all at once.

"It's time to banish all the trouble from your life, young padawan. Happiness total you deserve hrrrrrmph." My best friend just said these words to me via Twitter. Yes, she speaks all Yoda like quite often, which always makes me smile. Anyway, her comment has me thinking, don't we all need more positivity in our lives? So, my goal for the month is to embrace the positive and banish the negative. I'll be sharing my progress with you along the way. My starting point is going to be acknowledge all I have to be thankful for.

What about you? what are your goals for the month?


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