Who Made You A Princess Giveaway

15 July 2009

Did you read my post about Who Made You A Princess earlier in the week? It was a great read that any tween or teen girl would enjoy. Three of my readers will win a copy of this great book.

To Enter:

~Follow my blog.

~Follow me on Twitter ~ 5 entries, leave 5 separate comments

~Subscribe to my blog.

~Put my button on your blog

If you already do any or all of these things, simply leave me the appropriate comments. Contest runs from today until 8:00CST on July 22. Winner will be announced and contacted via email on July 23rd. Be sure I have a way to contact you! Good luck!


Karen said...

Great Blog :)

ktgonyea at gmail.com

Karen said...

Great Blog :)

ktgonyea at gmail.com

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

And I am a subscriber as well

mverno said...

i do i do i do mverno@roadrunner.com

lynette355 said...


lynette355 said...


lynette355 said...


lynette355 said...


lynette355 said...


lynette355 said...


lynette355 said...


GypsyFox said...


Maricel said...

Hiya! I was here! :) blog roll visit time! ^_^

Would love to win a copy, but I'm not from US... So I guess I won't qualify. No worries ;)

Good luck to all!

Maricel --- Momhood Moments

Jackie P. said...

I follow

Jackie P. said...

I have your button

Carmen said...

I already follow your blog.
desertrose5173 at gmail com

Carmen said...

I already follow you on twitter.
desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I subscribe via email.


cindiizzy said...

I already follow your blog

mercsmercado at yahoo dot com

cindiizzy said...

I subscribe

mercsmercado at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I followed you on twitter (sunnyview99).

Entry #1

Anonymous said...

I followed you on twitter (sunnyview99).

Entry #2

Anonymous said...

I followed you on twitter (sunnyview99).

Entry #3

Anonymous said...

I followed you on twitter (sunnyview99).

Entry #4

Anonymous said...

I followed you on twitter (sunnyview99).

Entry #5

Anonymous said...

I subscribed via email.

Karen said...

My 07/15/09 entry please :)

ktgonyea at gmail.com

Cheryl F said...

I follow your blog!

mmentor said...

sounds interesting, different than mine

Anonymous said...

I subscribed. tmf315@hotmail.com

Svetlana said...

I follow your blog

Karen said...

My 07/18/09 entry :)

ktgonyea at gmail.com

Miranda Ward said...

Im a google follower

Karen said...

My 07/19 entry please :)

ktgonyea at gmail.com

Karen said...

07/20 entry for me please :)

ktgonyea at gmail.com

Karen said...

My 07/21 entry please :)

ktgonyea at gmail.com

Betty C said...

I already follow your blog.

Anonymous said...

Happy Summer!


Mom Union said...

Wasn't sure if I was to leave an initial comment regarding the book. I don't want to disqualify myself, so I combined the first entry with my comment.

Comment: My daughter is an avid reader. I'm sure this would be a great addition to her collection.

Following: heathergf


Mom Union said...

following on twitter: heathersphere

Mom Union said...

following on twitter: heathersphere

Mom Union said...

following on twitter: heathersphere

Mom Union said...

following on twitter: heathersphere

Mom Union said...

following on twitter: heathersphere

blogggggg said...

This looks like a great book for a tween!

I follow your blog!

wordsmoveme at gmail dot com

Mom Union said...

I'm a subscriber:

blogggggg said...

I follow on twitter #1

wordsmoveme at gmail dot com

blogggggg said...

I follow on twitter #2

wordsmoveme at gmail dot com

blogggggg said...

I follow on twitter #3

wordsmoveme at gmail dot com

blogggggg said...

I follow on twitter #4

wordsmoveme at gmail dot com

Mom Union said...

button's on sidebar: iblameitonthecat.blogspot.com

blogggggg said...

I follow on twitter #5

wordsmoveme at gmail dot com

blogggggg said...

I subscribe to your blog via google reader!

wordsmoveme at gmail dot com

kerri69 said...

I am following youre blog

kerri69 said...

following on twitter under kerri69

kerri69 said...

following on twitter2

kerri69 said...

following on twitter 3

kerri69 said...

following on twitter 4

kerri69 said...

following on twitter 5

Molly C. said...


erma said...

I am a new follower.

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog. garrettsambo@aol.com

Kathy P said...

2 following on twitter klp1965

Kathy P said...

3 following on twitter klp1965

Kathy P said...

4 following on twitter klp1965

Kathy P said...

5 following on twitter klp1965

george ferris said...

I am a email subscriber.
george ferris

Candie L said...

I am a follower. Thanks.


Candie L said...

I also subscriber. THanks


lilyk said...

I follow your blog.


Liz Mays said...

I'm a follower!

Liz Mays said...

I follow on twitter (blueviolet) 1

Liz Mays said...

I follow on twitter (blueviolet) 2

Liz Mays said...

I follow on twitter (blueviolet) 3

Liz Mays said...

I follow on twitter (blueviolet) 4

Liz Mays said...

I follow on twitter (blueviolet) 5