A Little Me Time

12 April 2011
As Moms I think most of us are bad about taking time for ourselves. I know this is true for most of my friends and myself. We are all just busy people. Between kids, husbands, home, work, extended family, and friends, trying to find a few minutes for yourself can be a challenge. But, indulging in a little "me" time is absolutely essential to keeping us somewhat together. When mama ain't happy ain't nobody happy.

One of my favorite indulgences is a nice long soak in a hot bath. Nothing melts away the stresses of day to day living quite as well. I confess I have a serious obsession with indulgent bath products. I was surprised to find EdenFantasys carries an impressive selection of sensual bath and body products. You can find shower gel, bath crystals, and my personal favorite bubble bath on the site.

EdenFantasys is not just sex toys. They have a lots of useful information on site as well as a blog covering a range of topics. If you've not explored the site in awhile, you might want to. It's definitely worth checking out.

Sex toys - EdenFantasys adult toys store

So, you know about my bubble bath obsession, what little ways do you pamper yourself after a stressful day?


Disclosure: I was provided with a gift card in exchange for this post. The opinions expressed here are 100% my own and were not edited in any way.

1 comment:

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

I love a good smelling, relaxing bubble bath too. Also, body lotion that smells out of this world. Every girl needs a little me time.