First, I dilute Kool Aid way more than the instructions say to. I use one cup of sugar and mix it into a gallon of water in a jug. My kids have never complained about this.
I recently discovered that toothpaste will remove that lovely Kool Aid mustache from around the kiddos mouths. This is great because it prevents me scrubbing their skin off. Much simpler to wipe with some Colgate, lol.
Kool Aid stains clothes. I've had great success using my "everything stain remover" that I keep in my laundry room. All you do is mix equal parts water, vinegar, and dish soap. I keep it in a recycled Sunsilk 24/7 creme bottle, but any squeeze bottle would do. Just squeeze some out and work into stained area. Let set a few minutes, then flush with water. I've used this on juice and wine stains as well.
As for the dreaded Kool Aid stain on the carpet, I've had the most luck with the iron it up method. Spray the stain liberally with water, cover with an old towel, then iron the towel. The stain will transfer to the towel. It works on old stains as well as new.
Last but not least, here is a recipe my grandma made when I was little. Yummy Kool Aid pie!
1 graham cracker crust
1 (14 ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
1 envelope unsweetened Kool Aid - any flavor, we like strawberry
8 ounces frozen whipped topping, thawed
Mix sweetened condensed milk, Kool Aid and Cool Whip. Blend well. Pour into crust. Refrigerate. Let chill for 3 hours, then serve.
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My kids are always walking around with a Kool-Aid moustache - can't wait to try the toothpaste trick!
I've never heard of the pie, but I think I may have to try this!
I love your remedies for Kool Aid stains and also the Kool Aid pie. I think the grandsons and I will make one of those. And now I know how to get those Kool Aid stains off the boys' mouths. Thanks for sharing.
Mr. Right is a big fan of the stuff too. I'm always amazed at the film of red on the counter top after i make it - i could have sworn it all went into the pitcher.
psst-don't tell him, but i only put in 3/4 cup of sugar
Thanks for the recipe to clean up Kool Aid stains.
If you don't want to mix up a whole gallon of Kool-Aid, you can check out how I mix just a sippy cup of Kool-Aid for my kids. You can make the sippy cup as dilute as you want!
I am going to try the toothpaste to get rid of mouth stains! I always keep rubbing with water and it never goes away. I always feel I am rubbing their face off too!
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