All this itching puts me in mind of a house we rented a few years back. Not long after moving in, we all started waking up with what looked like mosquito bites. They weren't. For awhile we thought it was fleas, but we were never seeing fleas hopping about. They were actually bedbug bites and the itched more than I can even describe! It took me quite awhile to figure out how to get rid of bedbugs. It was not easy and they drove us crazy before we finally solved the problem. I pray we never go through an ordeal like that again.
Actually, I'll take mosquito bites any day over that mess. At least you can slap a skeeter! On that note, I think I'll slather on some anti-itch cream and try to get some more sleep. Good night y'all! Don't let the bedbugs bite, lol!

Oh my gosh! Bed bugs? I never even think twice when I say "...And don't let the bed bugs bite." Eeek! I'm glad to hear you survived it, and I'm doubly glad you linked us in the direction to learn about getting rid of them. Ugh.
I hate the mosquito's too which are out in full force here in Alabama as well - my girls and I all have big reactions to their stings. Ugh - the bed bugs yuck!!! We stayed in a hotel a couple of years ago for a week and I kept getting these nasty itchy bites all over and finally figured out it was bed bugs! I was so afraid that we would be bringing them home with us that I wanted to just burn all of our stuff, but hubby wouldn't let me :) I swear I itched for weeks from those bites!
hi vanessa...i just started following you!
hey nessa, i tried to link to this post. look at my site and see my response to you. lol
i clicked create a link but did not see it show up on your site as a link to this post?????
This is one thing I do not miss - living in colorado we get very very few mosquitos!
We had a warm afternoon in February and a mosquito came out to join us! If you find a mosquito repellant that won't kill the cats and the children, I'd love to know about it.
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