One thing I am very proud of is the fact that I have worked out everyday this week. This is probably not a big deal to some people, but when you are as large as I am, it's a big accomplishment. I am very proud of myself! I will keep this exercise routine up! I do not like exercise, but I like obesity even less.
High on my to do list today is doing the meal plan for this month, or at least the next two weeks. The next logical step in trying to get healthy is to change the way we eat. The whole family needs serious help in the diet department. I figure if we all change the way we are eating, then I won't feel so deprived. Plus, we will all be healthier and maybe Dan will even manage to lose a few pounds. I see nothing but good coming from this. The only problem I know I'll have is from me and Dan with sugar cravings. So, I am trying to figure out what to do about that. There has to be something healthy, yet yummy to take the place of our night time sugar binges.
What are your favorite healthy sweets? Fruit cups, dessert flavored yogurt, or what? I'd love to hear what satisfies your sweet tooth without hurting your waistline!

We're both getting healthy!! That's great! Last night before bed I had an ice cold apple sliced up with some cashews!! WOW! There's nothing better! I like ice cold pears with yogurt too! Cold fruit and I love eachother these days!
like i said do a diabetic cookbook and see if that can help cut the sugars
Vanilla yogurt with fruit is surprisingly good. I buy Stoneybrook farm because I can get low fat without artificial sweetener.
And a little chocolate is ok --- it's the binge, not the sugar, you want to avoid.
I'm impressed that you've worked out every day. I'm still trying to get my tired old self out the door to walk around the block.
Honey! I absolutely love honey. Drizzle some honey on lowfat frozen yogurt with strawberries and a dab of whip cream (fat free!) us super yummy!
I also use honey on whole grain English muffins, plain yogurt with fruit, on oatmeal, and in smoothies! It totally feeds that sweet craving.
Good luck with your lifestyle change! I've fallen off the healthy wagon lately and hope to get back on it again. Your daily exercising is helping to motivate me! ;-)
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