Cult Insanity Review & Giveaway

28 September 2009

Cult Insanity
A Memoir of Polygamy, Prophets, and Blood Atonement
By Irene Spencer

Just looking at the title I wanted to see what this book was all about. Yeah, I am one of those people who wonder what goes on in the minds of others. And to know that people choose to take some paths that seem skewed to us makes me all the more interested. Irene Spencer was raised believing polygamy was the only way for a woman to go to heaven. So I had to start with that in my mind as I was reading this story of her life.

As children we follow what our parents and those around them tell us is true. So the norm may be different as we are raised. Taking that into account I was still amazed at the life this woman led. Being on of ten wives and bearing 13 of her husbands 58 children, Irene lived in abject poverty and most often without her husband anywhere around. She was left in the hands of a man who’s beliefs were ever growing of his greatness and power. The women who were left in his charge (and their children) never had enough to see a way out of their situation.

Irene gives us a detailed account of what her life was like. And the insanity of the self appointed leader of this group. From her start as a very young second wife sharing a 3 room hut to seeing a growing community who bought into one man’s beliefs of him being a prophet. She continues on to tell of his demands on the community til he finally has people being put to death for not complying with him. Her fears and race to out run her very own death sentence while trying to save her children and others in the community had me at the very edge of my seat.

I will say this is a look inside the mentality of how a cult starts and continues to grow. I was amazed and also taken back to think that one’s life can be controlled by one person.
You may be interested in reading this one yourself.

I have 5 copies of this interesting book to giveaway to my readers. Just leave me a comment (be sure to include contact info) telling me what about the book sounds interesting to you.

For Additional Entries:
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Leave a comment for every entry you do. Deadline to enter is Monday, October 5th at 8:00pm CST. Winner will be announced and contacted on 10/06/09.


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tawndam said...

for some reason... I've always been intrigued by the cult mentality... How can 1 person so over-wright everything we believe and teach and gain such mindless loyalty from a group? It just amazes me... and terrifies me at the same time...

tawndam said...

google follower

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rss subscriber

TexasBobbi said...

I just read Escape by Carolyn Jessup and this books sounds like it would be along the same lines.

TexasBobbi said...

I have your button

TexasBobbi said...

I also am a follower

PJ said...

Hey Nessa! I sure hope I win one of those books. Even though I am a Christian, books like that tend to catch my eye, because it is so hard for me to understand what makes people in that frame of mind tick.

PJ said...

Just left a comment as to why I would like to win the book, now I already have your button, does that count, and I'm already a follower, does that count? I have no idea what an RSS feed is, so I hope you come to Curves tomorrow so I can find out and get another entry. I kinda figure those other two don't count, huh? LOL


Nessa said...

I follow you already :). ...and this book sounds so interesting, i love reading things like this.

Nicole C. said...

I don't know why, but I've alway been extremely interested in reading about polygamy and how the women manage to free themselves from it!!


mar said...

I believe I have read every true crime book around. I love to explore the minds of the evil and of the good. Cults have always interested me since the horrific Charles Manson killings. thank you

ksbald2 said...

My career has me dealing with what most of us think of as unusual. I would be interested in this book to hear one side of the story and how she overcame what she always believed was right.

5webs said...

I read Spencer's other book (Shattered Dreams) and I thought that it was excellent. She is an amzing writer, and I'd like to read her latest effort.
Alicia Webster

Anonymous said...

such fascination to find out how some people believe and live!

5webs said...

I subscribe to your Rss feed via Google Reader
Alicia Webster

sweetsue said...

I am interested because I find polygamy fascinating. Big Love is one of my favorite shows-and I can't figure out why anyone would choose that lifestyle.
smchester at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

It has always fascinated me how people can be drawn into a cult. I's really like to learn more about what personalities cults attract and why, and cult life.


Anonymous said...

I subscribe via email.


Donna said...

I think it is interesting how people view things, especally religious practices. I am a Christian and it fascinates me at how people can be so ignorant in the face of what the Bible truly says and how misconceptions are brainwashed into others.

Pat said...

I love to read books like this, because it's like a window into another world.

bison61 said...

I'd love to read this book-I've always wondered why women would stay in these cults

tiramisu392 (at)

PJ said...

Ok, we'll try this again. I follow your blog.

PJ said...

I have your button.

Carol EL said...

I also would like to delve into the mind of people whose behavior is so foriegn to me.

Carol EL said...

Yahoo reader subscriber.

Carol EL said...

Twitter follower. jelly15301 --

Anonymous said...

I've always been intrigued by cult mentalities and how people get dragged into them.

thefatesarevicious at yahoo dot com

Tracey said...

I would be interested in an insider's views of a cult.

mscoffee77 said...

I've read 3 books written by former members of the FDLS cult & would love to read this book.

Sunnyvale said...

I would hope it would shed some light on why, why?

Nickolay said...

I have always had some questions about Polygamy. It would be very interesting to read this


Unknown said...

The world of polygamy fascinates me for some reason. I can see where it is used in both bad and good ways. I would really love to read more about it! Thanks!

sherri419 at gmail dot com

bfox74 said...

Wow! This sounds really good. I've always thought that in my younger days, I'd have been a good "target" for a cult. Maybe this will shed some inside fo if that is a true statement or not.

PJ said...

Hey Nessa! I couldn't remember if I left a comment about posting you on my blog yesterday (the 28 or 29) I can't remember. One of these days I'm actually gonna get my blog typed by 11 and me in bed no later than 115 or 11:30.


Tammy said...

I too like to see what goes through some people heads.This book sounds like it might do that

degood said...

Yes, I liked the book Under the Banner of Heaven and since reading that have wanted to read other books about the FLDS cult or whatever they are...

degood said...

I follow you with google

degood said...

I follow you on twitter (kmayans)

csue said...

I want to know what life in the cult was like.

ky2here said...

It fascinates me to see what people do (allegedly) in the name of jesus.

ky2here said...

Following on twitter as ky2here.

Kimberly said...

I have always found cult stories very interesting. I am especially curious about the women involved as they are usually second class citizens and am never sure why they would sign up for such treatment.

Kimberly said...

I follow your blog.

LittleEagle said...

I've always wondered what the initial draw is. Why does one stay when the situation is changing so drastically.

LittleEagle said...

I am an email subscriber under sharonaquilino(at)hotmail(dot)com

Deb K said...

I too have always wondered how a cult leader could change so many people's mind..

Thanks so much for the chance to win :)


Deb K said...

I follow your blog with Google

Deb K

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Deb K said...

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Kristyn Martin said...

I have always found cults very interesting. I would love to read this book!

Kristyn Martin said...

I follow your blog.

Kristyn Martin said...

I follow you on twitter.


wgbc1446 said...

I would love to know what the hold is that women do not escape these situations more often than they do and why it goes to such great lengths before an attempt at escape is made. I want to know why women so often unquestioningly volunteer themselves to live as second class citizens.

Anonymous said...

I've read Jon Krakauer's "Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith" and would like to read this!

skitsbits2000 said...

I've always wondered what draws someone in and then convinces them to stay in such an untenable situation.

Candie L said...

Your review had me intrigued. I do wonder how easily people can be swayed by those around them. Thank you


Candie L said...

I am following you on google. Thank you


Karrie said...

I have always wondered what goes through the girls minds when they go through a life like this. I could not even imagine

Becca said...

The world of polygamy fascinates me. I have been raised Jewish, but often wonder what would have happened if I was born into a different religion. Thanks! sbcashortie (at) hotmail (dot) com

Becca said...

I have your button upon the right at

Becca said...

I blogged about the giveaway at

Egare1 said...

I'm interested to read the "inside story" of what happens in a cult. I can't imagine how it must be!

Egare1 said...

I'm a google follower!

Egare1 said...

I'm an email subscriber!

Thanks for the great giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

The cult mentality and polygamy are very fascinating. It would be so interesting to read about someone's personal experience with this. Thanks!
pjgirl74 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

It's interesting to me why people would join something like this, I've watched some shows about it too. It's scary and strange.

Janette said...

I'd like to read it to be able to get a peek at what goes on in the mind of those who join and follow cults.

Janette said...

following you on Twitter @jsoldham

Sheila Hickmon said...

I have always been interested in cults, and I have wondered what makes people stay. I think this would be an interesting read. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

I find it interesting the power these cult leaders exercise over people and how the human spirit enables followers to wake up amd ralize the truth to escape.

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

It sounds interesting because I'm wondering what kind of people get drawn into these cults.

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

have button (bottom right side)

susan1215 said...

Polygamy is an interesting topic to me

Andria said...

This sounds really interesting. You should read Under the Banner of Heaven. It's a really good book about fundamentalist Mormonism.

Unknown said...

This sounds like an interesting book. I've read several books about the polygamy group in Utah. It's fascinating and scary how much control the leaders have.


Unknown said...

follower on Twitter- ksh123

bev said...

This sounds very interesting. I've always wondered how people get involved with these cults. I guess some people are born and raised thinking this is normal behavior and the rest of the members are maybe brainwashed? I would love to read the book, sounds good. Thanks for having the contest!

Bridget3496 said...

I've always been very interested in psychology and this sounds so interesting.

Bridget3496 said...

following through goolge- brdgcombs

Bridget3496 said...

following on twitter as @bridget3496

Kathy said...

I am interested to read about what it took to get out of a cult and to be safe doing so.

dvice12 said...

The insider account sounds interesting to me.

Mishia said...

I'm interested in learning what makes people join such things.

lilyk said...

What interests me is the author's ability to escape the cult she was in.

lilyk said...

I subscribed to your feed.

Jinxy and Me said...

I have always found cults fascinating and this looks really interesting.

Jinxy and Me said...

I'm following your blog!