WAT-AAH! Review and Giveaway

07 September 2009

When I got the 4 bottles of WAT-AAH! in the mail, my kids would not leave the package alone. They were attracted to the bold colored packaging. So I chilled the WAT-AAH! and let them choose which bottle each wanted. I was ready for the comments about no flavor, it is not sweet, add something to it. But was really surprised when I heard "It's so refreshing" and "Now that cools me off" Yeah, my kids are all into the grown up sayings.

But later I expected for them to come down from it's new to it's just water. NO! Dinner and they wanted the WAT-AAH! instead of tea we were having. And the next day the let down of "what there is no more WAT-AAH! in the fridge?" Well, I am glad to know they were happy drinking water than the sugar and preservatives in so many other kid friendly drinks. I am sad that I can not buy WAT-AAH! where I live.


* Contains no sugar or artificial flavors or colors
* Packaged in BPA-free bottles
* Fun graphics may encourage kids to drink more water
* Can replace electrolytes without the calories of sports drinks


* Not sold in stores in my area
* Bottles are recyclable, but not reusable


* Wat-Aah! Body is plain, purified water
* Wat-Aah! Brain contains added electrolytes
* Wat-Aah! Energy contains added electrolytes and oxygen
* Wat-Aah! Bones contains added calcium

Want some Wat-Aah! for your family? Enter to win some right here! To celebrate the back-to-school season, the folks at WAT-AAH! are giving away a WAT-AAH! Backpack filled with fun back-to-school goodies, along with WAT-AAH! samples as well!

To enter, visit the WAT-AAH! website and tell me something interesting you found there. Be sure you leave me a way to contact you in your comment.

For more entries:

*Follow the WAT-AAH blog here.

*Follow WAT-AAH on Twitter.

* Follow me on Twitter @Nessa_TX & tweet about this giveaway. Be sure you leave your twitter ID and the link to your tweet in your comment. (3 extra entries, leave 3 comments)

* Fave me on Technorati (link on my left sidebar). Leave me your username. (3 extra entries, leave 3 comments)

* Blog about this giveaway & leave me the link. (3 extra entries, leave 3 comments)

* Follow my blog.

* Subscribe to my blog via RSS.

Contest ends on Monday, September 14 at 8:00 CST. Winner will be announced and contacted on Sept. 15. Good luck!



Unknown said...

What I found interesting was the entire website! I loved looking through it and finding out more about this product. I'd never heard of it before now and it sounds really neat! Water CAN BE kind of boring...this brand should brighten things up alittle!

Unknown said...

I follow your blog!

lynette355 said...

Mom made mom approved kid tested

lynette355 said...


lynette355 said...

subscribe on rss

lynette355 said...

@Nessa_TX http://bit.ly/3IRM2M been into your Wat-ahh!
tweet tweet

bison61 said...

I read that water helps our bodies to maintain healthy weight

tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

I found it interesting that they only sell Wat-aah! in 4 states.


khunsl00 said...

I like that another american mom created this product...We moms can do anything...Good luck...


wantsandwishes said...

I love the story of how these mom came up with this product. I think it is great.

Unknown said...

go moms !! and that this is so good for you with the added goodies! no sodium, sugars ! awesome

Unknown said...

I have to say I like how the kids were involved.

Unknown said...

I follow you

idahodad7 said...

My boys need brain.

Sellswifey said...

Created by a mom who knows what kids need!

Carol EL said...

I learned that this is a tricky way to get kids to drink more water. jelly15301@gmail.com

Carol EL said...

Yahoo reader subscriber. jelly15301@gmail.com

Carol EL said...

Google friends blog follower. jelly15301@gmail.com

Carol EL said...

Technorati fav. #1. jelly15301 -- jelly15301@gmail.com

Carol EL said...

Technorati fav. #2. jelly15301 -- jelly15301@gmail.com

Carol EL said...

Technorati fav. #3. jelly15301 -- jelly15301@gmail.com

Darlene said...

only sold in 4 states

degood said...

i found that it isn't sold in Washington but that you can purchase it online thru amazon.com

degood said...

I follow you on twitter as kmayans and I tweeted



degood said...

I follow you on twitter as kmayans and I tweeted



degood said...

I follow you on twitter as kmayans and I tweeted



degood said...

I am follower of your blog

denyse said...

These were made to make water less boring for kids. Great idea:)


Gabriel S-J. said...

They can be bought on my favorite online store, Amazon.com.

llinda29 said...

improves your attension spand

Michelle said...

I like that the site itself appeals to kids/pre-teens. The packaging is interesting, and I like that it encourages kids to drink more wat-aahhhhhh!

Missy said...

I love that each water in beneficial to different areas!! i.e. body, brain etc. :o)

Qwill said...

I was interested in the Water with Electrolytes they sell. This would be good for my kids in sports.

Qwill said...

I follow and twittered: qwills2cats

idahomom said...

My kids need Brain

Michelle AKA blabla3269 said...

I like how a mom made it
moms do know best

scarlette10 said...

I learned that water is good for u! I think I knew that, but this is a great way for kids to drink more!

Kim (Randominities) said...

There is so much to like about this. It's American made, which is great. I love to support our own businesses. It has no sugar, and that right there is the great part!

Thanks so much for this contest!

Metal Momma said...

they have different types for different things.. like brain water!!

Amy delong said...

I did not know they only were sold in 4 states!


Candie L said...

I like that they have different brands for different needs (for example calcium). THank you


Candie L said...

I am following. Thanks


Gina said...

I learned WAT-AAH!'s mission is to reverse the established behavior and dependency on sweetened drinks among America's youth and to ultimately help fight the battle against the greatest threat in our children's lives, childhood obesity.

Gina said...

Follow u on twitter (wrestlingaddict) and made a tweet: http://twitter.com/wrestlingaddict/status/3963547913

Gina said...

Fav'd you on Technorati (lyricandariasmom)

Gina said...

I follow your blog

Sarah Z said...

Learned that the brain is affected first when someone is dehydrated!
believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com

Brooke said...

I learned that is was created by Parents (there was a DAD too)and their kids... The kids helped NAME it, design the bottles, and appeared in the first commericals... That is great..

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

I learned that it was created by a mom and it has no sugar in it!


Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...


follow on twitter and tweeted

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...


Second entry



Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...


third entry


Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...


blog #1

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...


blog #2

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...


blog #3

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

subscribe through google reader


Storm Safety Blog said...

I found that the moms behind WAT-AAH are in favor of taxing soft drinks. While I agree that soft drinks are a major part of the obesity problem, I don't think that SUGAR is to blame. I believe the switch to High Fructose Corn Syrup by most soda makers is the problem. Maybe if they taxed products containing HFCS, and did not tax products containing only real sugar, the corporations would return to their old recipes. I drank the heck out of soda when I was a teenager, and I didn't have a weight problem then.

Amy said...

I couldn't find a link so I copied and pasted the name in the search engine. I guess I can truthfully say that I found it interesting that all I got was a cartoon of a guy pushing against a wall while the page tried to load for several minutes...finally I just looked up a press release...and among many interesting things found it comes in fun colours and right now is only available at specialty stores and online - that's okay - I like shopping online!

breiz said...

i too googled it for lack of finding a link on this page. There's a company selling something called watt-ahh. I think the 2 similar names could be a problem for these moms. Once on the correct site, i found that although it's sold in my state, it's on the wrong end of the state for me.

samarcy said...

i found that it has no dye and with a grandson that has autism, i can tell you its very hard to find things that dosent have rd or yellow coloring in it!!

Charity S said...

I learned that water might help with concentration. Thanks

charisscharity at yahoo dot com

Charity S said...

I'm following your blog. charity/ccboobooy

Jeanette H. said...

I like that Wat-ahh! has a blog on the site! I especially like that wat-ahh! has no added sugar.

Thank you for the great giveaway!


David said...

water helps us maintain a health weight.


arla said...

I found it interesting that one mom got together with other moms to ask their own children what they could do to make them drink more water(What would help).

arla said...

Following you on Twitter (id- litehouse27) & I Tweeted!

arla said...

2 Following you on Twitter (id- litehouse27) & I Tweeted!

arla said...

3 Following you on Twitter (id- litehouse27) & I Tweeted!

Dawn Reid said...

I found it interesting that they only sell Wat-aah! in 4 states. I also learned that water might help with concentration.

joan ferris said...

Only sold in four states.
george ferris

Pamela S said...

I like how they used input from kids to help design the label, etc.
Thanks so much!

Miranda Ward said...

Kids love it!!

Pamela S said...

I'm subscribed via email.
Thanks so much!


They don't sell it in Texas but I can buy it online.
Hopefully, they will grow & expand their markets to Texas.

Hey Walmart you need to carry WAT-AAH!



I subscribe!


lilyk said...

I thought it was interesting that it's American made.


Anonymous said...

I found it interesting that they have joined the Stop sugar campaign against sodas loaded with sugar. They want to fight childhood obesity. garrettsambo@aol.com

cman said...

WAT-AAH!'s mission is to reverse the established behavior and dependency on sweetened drinks among America's youth and to ultimately help fight the battle against the greatest threat in our children's lives, childhood obesity..