What do you see as this years "hottest" toys?
We carry traditional, timeless toys such as rocking horses and dollhouses. These are the items parents and grandparents buy because they had one too. Playkitchens and petal cars are great for imaginations and are offer years of play.
What do you recommend to parents for those hard-to-buy for kids?
Personalized items are always great…we have toy boxes, table and chair sets and dollhouses that can all have a child’s name added for a unique, special gift.
Where do you look for/get the toys you recommend?
We work with several toy manufacturers and have an in-house product development team.
Hayneedle deals with uniqueness...Do you think kids want to stand out from the crowd or have something truly one-of-a-kind?
Both, it’s important to have the latest game for the Wi/dsl that all your friends have but I think they really enjoy a special, unique gift too.
In your opinion do kids appreciate the one-of-a-kind item?
Yes, Hayneedle has great selection of items kids won’t see in the stores.
Anything else you'd like to add?
We offer great gifts for kids that they can have for along time and can grow with them. Our activity table offers 2 table heights so that the furniture can be adjusted as the child grows. (LFY065 and LFY019)

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Nice post. really enjoyed reading it.
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