Today I bring you a completely random 101 things about me. Some of this is stuff y'all know, but I bet some of it will be a surprise.
- My 14th wedding anniversary was on Monday.
- I am the mom of a tween and a teen. Life with them is never dull.
- Our neighbors are like family to us and more involved in our lives than my own parents. We are blessed to have them.
- I love having weekday morning coffee with my girls. Those girls range in age from 46 to 76.
- Hubby recently changed jobs and is now working here in town. I should be excited about it, but I'm not.
- I hate doing dishes. I mean I really loathe it. This is not good when you like to cook as much as I do. I need a dishwasher!
Image by Felix63 via Flickr
- My kids think I'm a terrible mother because they don't have cell phones or Facebook pages.
- I'm sitting in sweats and my bathrobe as I type this and it's after 11am.
- I am puppet-master to a handful of characters at the OCRPG. I absolutely love it!
- I make amazing fried chicken and white gravy.
- My last few weekends have been spent drinking cocktails with my friends on the front porch.
- I love aprons!
- Hitting local garage sales is my idea of the perfect way to spend a Saturday morning.
- I am a "super fan girl" of Joe Walsh.
- I have naturally curly hair which I do not like, but everyone else loves.
- I adore NASCAR!
- I was diagnosed with clinical depression at age 15.
- Some days I do not give my all to my home and family, a fact I'm not proud of.
- My parents divorced when I was 3, so figuring out how a complete family unit works is still a challenge to me at times.
- I am such a shower singer!
- Sometimes my neighbor and I make late night Allsup's runs for greasy deli food. We need our "vitamin G" every now and then.
Image by damianromero via Flickr
- I am terrified of needles.
- I have a a purse fetish.
- I started blogging as a lonely housewife living without neighbors in the country. I've made some amazing bloggy friends since then.
- I read blogs with my coffee in the morning like most folks read the paper.
- I want to get a tattoo.
- Sometimes I feel like my whole identity is mom and wife, like I've lost Nessa somewhere along the way.
- If I do not like spending money on myself and if I do I feel guilty.
- I have an ongoing battle with insomnia.
- My husband constantly nags at me about my weight. He seems to think this will motivate me. Instead I've all but given up any hope of losing weight because I'll never meet his expectations.
- I get very cranky when I don't get enough sleep.
- The only plants I can keep alive are the weeds in the yard.
- I get so tired of people asking me how to make money blogging. Heck, I wish someone would tell me!
- We had a blast with the neighbors the other night listening to 80s and 90s music on Grooveshark. Music and good company = instant party!
- The Big Chill = One of my favorite movies since I was about 12. I loved it even before I really understood it.
- I miss Joan of Arcadia.
- My first "pin up guy" poster was Patrick Swazye in Dirty Dancing. I remember my parents arguing about whether I could watch the movie or not. I was in third grade. Wow, it seems really mild compared to PG-13 movies these days.
- I'm convinced soundtracks from musicals are the best tunes to clean the house to. Take A Chance on Me anyone?
- I grew up watching classic movies having no ideas they weren't current films.
- Consequently, I wanted to marry Cary Grant or John Wayne when I grew up.
Image via Wikipedia
- I am constantly discovering new "must read" blogs.
- I truly believe that friends you make via the Internet ca be just as special as the friends you have in the same town with you. My online friends have gotten me through some really tough times.
- In times of crisis or tragedy, I cook for people. When you can't fix someone's pain, food can't hurt.
- I adore the Rolling Stones.
- I want Freebird played at my funeral.
- I love country music and have turned my son into basically a walking country music encyclopedia. The kid can play name that tune, and artist for that matter, with the best of them. How many 13 year olds like Hag, Ernest Tubb, or Charlie Pride?
- We've not had satellite or cable tv in years. Everything we watch comes from Hulu, Fancast, or Netflix.
- As a whole, our family doesn't watch mainstream shows. This week we've been watching Green Acres.
- Songs are always getting stuck in my head and it drives me crazy! Currently, it's Train's Hey Soul Sister.
- Watching my children grow up amazes me and terrifies me all at the same time.
- I cannot do any needlework at all, much to the dismay of all the female members of my family.
- I have been known to randomly start dancing with my broom and singing.
- I regret never learning to play 42.
- I love a good game of Hand & Foot.
- My father has a whole other family that I am not a part of. I don't really know my brother or sister, or my nephew. I hate that they are fine with this.
- I wish I were more like Abby on NCIS or Garcia on Criminal Minds. They both make me smile.
- I have a crush on Hugh Laurie. And all the actors playing the Cullen men ;-)
Image by Nayara - Oliveira via Flickr
Image by Little Miss no Name via Flickr
- Breakfast for dinner makes me happy.
- My favorite drink is a Speckled Whore.
- People tell me my hair is my best feature. I always thought it was my eyes.
- I have freckles and love them!
- I told my mom I was going to marry the man who is now my husband when I was in third grade.
- A slumber party is a good idea no matter what age you are. Hey girls, we need to do that again soon!
- I can still sing old school NKOTB songs word for word.
- Oh, and Ice Ice Baby too.
- I met my dearest friend when she was throwing up. A teacher sent me to check on her. We were in sixth grade and have been close ever since.
- I could watch Grease and Mamma Mia thousands of times and never get tired of them. Heck, I could say this about a lot of movies actually.
- I love King of the Hill because it reminds me of family and friends.
- I got married at 17. I do not recommend doing this.
- I can't play a musical instrument. I wish I could play the steel guitar.
- I love football, my husband hates sports.
- I sometimes suffer from debilitating migraines.
- I am looking forward to the Eclipse movie just as mush as my daughter is.
- Ashley and I recently convinced my mother to read the Twilight saga. Now my stepdad is reading the books.
- Coffee makes me blissfully happy!
- I went to my first club in Dallas the other day. It was awesome!
- Learned the Cupid Shuffle, then taught it to the kids. Got to have some one to dance with!
- My favorite clothes are a pair of pj pants with flying turtles on them with a comfy tee.
- I really enjoy getting all dolled up, but rarely have reason to do so.
- Singing along to Bob Marley can change my mood faster than antidepressants.
- I seriously doubt my house will ever get finished. We've been here for almost two years and have one room completely done.
- I am awful about procrastinating.
- Cherry Mash candy is one of my favorite foods.
Image via Wikipedia
- Chinese food is my favorite. Followed closely by Italian.
- Clean laundry in my home is most often found in baskets rather than put away.
- Kids back talking drives me insane!
- I'm constantly trying to be a better mom, but I feel like I'm failing.
- I am not a morning person at all.
- I've been told that my gift is cooking, too bad I don't do it more often.
- The display on my phone doesn't work and it makes me crazy. I really need a new one!
- The Wiggles make my skin crawl.
- I adore Oscar the Grouch.
- Iced tea is a wonderful thing. I take mine unsweet, I know, very unSouthern of me.
- This is harder than I thought it would be. I hate talking about myself.
- I sometimes suffer from baby fever. It usually doesn't last long.
- I love reading weird news stories.
- Having a tea party with little girls is a joyful experience.
- Really y'all, I'm a boring gal.
- But, I can be sassy, stubborn, and opinionated.
- I am fiercely loyal.
- I often wonder when exactly I grew up. I certainly do not feel my age.

Girl I love this post, we are so alike. BTW I am so mad you guys didn't call me to go out when you guys went out up here.
ok fess up what kinda club did we take you too! LOL
The Speckled Whore rocks as a drink and we can make more this weekend...I have all the stuff for it.
Your never boring but yes we do battle that god awful depression.
If we were married I would clean and you would cook but neither of us would ever be in proper clothes til half the day was done.
Showers or baths???? Diet soda or full strength???? What is your most embarassing moment???? And did that have anything to do with your head and lil johns lap?
Great list.
Sounds like my kind of party!
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