We Are Okay

14 June 2011
So, here we are, almost three weeks later. I've gotten quite a few emails from concerned readers and updating here just seemed easier. Some days are fine, others are terrible. We married when I was 17. I've never been alone before. Ashley and I are doing fine, mostly. When she's asleep it is so quiet, painfully so. I can't sleep in our bed, I don't even like being in our bedroom. I don't know how to deal with the hurt, I just don't.

But, the up side is, we are okay. Thank you all so much for the emails of concern. They mean more than you will ever know. We are taking things one day at a time. That's all I know to do.



chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

Girl, do I know the emotions that you're going through. I went through that after being married for 21 years. He cheated, I filed but I had to.

The best advice I can give you is to treat the end of your marriage like a death. Mourn it. Cry from tears of anger, sadness and the memories but then, hold on to the good times that you shared because trust me, you will need to recall those good times when it seems to get really, really hard.

There is a song that says that you will wake up one morning and find that you've cried one less tear and you know what? I did! Little by little, I went through days where I genuinely smiled and cried less. Don't sweep the emotions away or stuff them...live them outloud. Find someone who is willing to share your emotions. Believe that God will do something great in your life.

Don't give up on love. Your daughter is taking it all in...your strength and your grace and even the tears.

I'm praying that you will find your way through the sadness and shock and disbelief.

If you ever want to talk, please email me. I will pray that it gets easier each and every day for you. Hang in there!

Unknown said...

I didn't know about this...you will definitely be in my prayers.

lfhpueblo said...

That's the best way. Just take it one day at a time.

Anonymous said...

it will get better. it's so hard now but it will get better. i remember making a list of things to do after my child was asleep- take a shower, read a book, exercise, cook something new, call a friend, rearrange the living room, clean out cabinets etc etc. i was so afraid to be "bored" cuz then i would think.
i am so sorry you are going thru this. i am changing my email addy so i am subbing under a new one but i will still be here :)