Image by melodramababs via Flickr
Getting home late from the party and too tired for your normal makeup removal routine? Stash Pond’s Wet Cleansing Towelette in your bedside table for fast and easy makeup removal…you don’t even need water. They have an exclusive cleansing system, with oil- and dirt-trapping fibers, that works like a magnet to remove up to 40 percent more make-up than other leading towelettes to keep you looking your best. One less regret in the morning.
I am very bad about going to bed with my make up on. Now my Pond's Wet Cleansing Towelettes are on my night stand, so I always have a way to scrub my face. I also keep a package in my person for cleaning my face after I finish working out a Curves. My face is looking great!
So, check out this cool widget for great tips on skin, nail, hair care and more. I am always learning something. I know lots of moms who don't spend much time taking care of themselves, but these easy tips make fussing over yourself a bit easy as can be. I am all about fast and easy when it comes to beauty, I just don't have time to fuss. Thanks to these tips, I can look good in a flash!
What are some of your favorite beauty tips? I have a beauty product assortment from Unilever to give to one lucky winner. All you have to do is leave me a comment telling me your favorite beauty tip. That's all there is to it! Deadline to enter is Friday 11/13/09 at 11:59pm CST. Be sure you leave a way for me to contact you if you win.
Good luck!

I want to win this, my favorite beauty tip of all time is you are never to young to start moisturizing.
Hmmmm.....Extra Virgin Coconut oil is a great moisturizer.
Thank you for the giveaway. I like the tip where you can moisturize your lashes with vaseline.
I love the tip to leave q-tips out for guests during the holidays. What a great idea so woman can touch up make-up, I love it!
I like to make a scrub out of sugar, olive oil, and aloe. It's great for the face and body, feet especially.
we moved to texas almost 2 and a half years ago, and my skin is so dry! so i use a good face lotion after i shower. my skin is not great, but with a good face lotion it isnt so dry
amalgrover at
my fav beauty tip is-put conditioner in a spray bottle and use as a detangler. no need to buy 2 products.
Use a facial exfoliant daily.
When applying mascara, start with bottom lashes first to prevent smudging.
Always use moisturizer with spf15 to keep your skin looking young.
drink 8 glasses h2o a day
i love the tip about never being too young to moisturize,i will pass this on to my 11 year old grandaughter.
My favorite beauty tip is to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night and drink plenty of water. Doing both, of course is easier said than done.
I like the tip to not stay in the shower any longer then 10 minutes so as to not dry out your skin.
I never use soap to cleanse my face. I've only found a foaming cleanser with feverfew in it that cleanses and doesn't irritate my rosacea.
I have used proactiv for years now. My looks is always soft and pimple free. I love the stuff. Thanks.
I always put on lip balm before I go to bed. It keeps my lips soft.
Lemon water in the fridge for a mid day spritzer. Just a light spray on my face to cool off and feel fresh again.
I like to use Avocado and Sugar as a sugar scrub for my leaves you so soft. Thanks for the chance.
I use Vaseline Petroleum Jelly at night as a moisturizer. Cheap and effective.
Use baby wipes to take off make-up. Thanks!~
I love the tip to leave q-tips out for guests during the holidays. What a great idea so woman can touch up make-up
That baking soda can be used for acne. Thanks for the contest!
I like the idea of mixing the ends of your lipsticks with vaseline to make a lip gloss.
clynsg at
I've noticed a big improvement in my skin when I moisturize right after my shower.
use a q-tip to soften the line of your eyeliner for a more nautral look
Making a beauty emergency kit is my favorite tip. I am going to make up one later on today.
My favorite beauty tip is to make sure you use a humidifier in the house. When your skin and mucus membranes feel really dry it may be there is not enough moisture in the air.
At night I put Vaseline on my dry feet and a sock & in the morning I have softer feet!
tiramisu392 (at)
My beauty tricks have all been learned from my mother - always wash your makeup off before bed (I cheat and keep makeup remover cloths handy), moisterize your hands, face, elbows, and feet, and always brush your teeth. And DO NOT go to bed with a mask on (dad hated that)!
My tip is to lightly use Vaseline on your lips to keep them from getting chapped.
My beauty tip is to mouisturize daily and drink lots of water.
Put Vaseline on your feet add socks and go to bed.
Wash your face in cool not hot water to help keep wrinkles away
:) Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! :)
My favorite tip is to use vaseline to moisturize your lips.
Vaseline for my lips! I also used when my son has an occasional bought of diaper rash. Thanks for the chance!
Sleep early. Sleep long.
Vaseline is the bargain a woman can have. You can take eye makeup off with it, moisturize, tame wild eyebrows, soothe chapped lips you name it, it does it!
Get plenty of sleep! Plain and simple.
My favorite tip other than nearing sleeping in makeup, is to apply warm honey to your face, let it stay on about half an hour and rinse off. It leaves your face moist, soft and smooth.
I use Vaseline Petroleum Jelly at night as a moisturizer.
My favorite is to slather my feet with lotion, put socks on,and go to bed
Use Vaseline to moisturize your eye lashes.
Loved the idea of putting conditioner in a spray bottle and using it as detangler.
jwatkk at comcast dot net
Make sure that you are doing the same beauty routine to your neck and chest that you are to your face...washing, moisturizing, powder, etc.
I have heard use Preparation H for wrinkle
My favorite beauty tip is to use q-tips as makeup applicators when the original ones become too old or too dirty.
madamerkf at aol dot com
I like to only shampoo my hair at the top and then condition the bottom. I have thin hair and it helps to not weigh the hair down. Please enter me in your giveaway. I would love to win this!! Thanks!!
Drink lots of water, take vitamin E, and use a nightly moisturizer.
My tip is to use a damp eyeshadow applicator on black eyeshadow to create a softer eyeliner look
My fav tip is to always drink water.
I try to take shorter showers, and also use cooler water when showering.
One of my tips for dealing with dry, cracked feet is before going to bed, slather Vaseline on them and put socks on. You will be amazed how much better they will be in the morning.
My favorite tip is applying moisturizer as soon as I get out of the shower.
To look younger don't use liquid eyeliner. You need to use a pencil eyeliner 1 shade lighter than your mascara. Thanks!
keep your skin moisturized. moisturizer is your friend
I believe in the theory of 8s. 8 glasses each 8 ounces plus 8 hours of sleep equal better skin! I am queenesperfect at
tip, moisturize before applying makeup.
My favorite beauty tip is to protect your hair from heat! Once I started using a heat-protecting spray before drying my hair, I noticed my hair is now always super soft, easy to style, and breaks a lot less. :)
krtrumpet [at] aol [dot] com
To keep my hands smooth-at night I put Vaseline on my hands/cover with socks
With the cold weather here already and using the heater I love this tip... To keep skin soft and healthly use a humidifer to lock in moisture at night.
fave tip is getting your hair to look fuller by parting it in a new place
copperllama at yahoo dot com
Use SPF even in the winter and when its cloudy
Use SPF even in the winter and when its cloudy
I am pretty basic. I wash my face morning and night, and always use an oil-free moisturizer afterwards. I've had great skin since.
This sounds harsh but believe me it works magic--if you had a late night and have a big day and look tired--take a big bowel put in water and some ice cubes --hold your face in the water for as long as you can--it works wonders!!!
I learned that keeping my eye cream in the fridge really helps with those puffy bags!
Thanks for the giveaway,
use a wide toothed comb after shower to get rid of knots!
The purpose of this comment is to leave you an email for my earlier case I win. Thanks.
My favorite tip is to get plenty of sleep to enhance your beauty.
I use a moisterizer during the day and at night.
My tip: Use cream eyeshadow as a blush replacement. It works very well. Thanks
charisscharity [at] yahoo [dot] com
I like to soak my feet in baking soda. It makes them soft.
Drink your daily required amount of water.
My favorite tip from their widget has been to mix the last of lipstick with a bit of vaseline to make your own lip gloss rather that just throwing the lipstick away. Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)netscape(DOT)net
I learned that you can moisturize your lashes with vaseline! Thanks!
mix equal parts olive oil and granulated sugar for an inexpensive facial scrub.
trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
I slather my feet with Vaseline and put thick white socks on before bed. I wake up in the morning with noticeably softer feet when I do this!
My beauty tip/mantra:
drink plenty of water, exfoliate, moisturizer must have broad spectrum SPF protection.
I have oily skin so moisturizer isn't always my friend. I use Q tips to apply toner or moisturizer to any areas that are dry or need exfoliation. Helps to concentrate the product in problem areas.
email address is visible in blogger profile
Drink lots of water and get plenty of rest. I guess I don't have that good of tips
ALWAYS use sunscreen!
moisturize right when u come out of the shower to lock in and maximize the moisture
My favorite beauty tip and something I do daily, is to keep a bottle of lotion in the shower to moisturize while your skin is still helps to hold in the moisture!!
If you run out of shaving cream you can use hair conditioner instead!
My favorite beauty tip is to stay out of the sun and if you are in the sunscreen use a high SPF!
wash your face in the morning and in the evening, when you brush your teeth, and drink water
I really like the tip of putting conditioner in a spray bottle and using it as detangler. What a great idea!
My fave tip is to put vaseline on your feet and put socks on. It really helps.
My favorite tip is to put Vaseline on your eyelashes.
To make my skin glow, I apply honey, remove with warm milk then wash as usual.
Moisturize and lots of water. Great tip.
Exfoliate once a week :)
I use a moisturizing spritz as soon as I get out of the shower. It's quicker than lotion and it absorbs immediately.
ncschools at yahoo dot com
My favorite beauty tip is to apply
vaseline on your cuticles,it
not only keeps them soft but prevents
My favorite beauty tip is to use protection when going outside in the sun, either sunscreen or clothing.
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